Sunday, February 7, 2010

Home needs to be re-made.

So currently, if you are reading this, you know who I am, What I know about "Home" Application and possible a solution to what can save home. Know what it is? Read this post and you should see why.

             So you know how theirs that list that you always wanted to do? Well on mine the following are left
  1. Platinum Final Fantasy XIII
  2. Experience PSN to its fullest
  3. Create A Rick Astley Video on home.
  4. Aid to fixing the Home application <---- See I love you guys,
But personally, this blog post is meant for a certain person who needs to stop attacking users and telling them to F'off every time they don't please him. 
Meet Conrad (the bastard) Max.
I will list my top 3 reasons why this user is causing harm to home;
  1. Tells users who wish to enjoy home to not even try ( )
  2. Refuses anyone elses view point of home if it isn't right "To Him"
  3. Has a sarcastic tone to anyone who just wants a simple answer? C'mon seriously?
But besides just him, the HCV program I must agree with Jim777's post as well. Seriously get the fuck out of the program if your just in it for the perks of free spaces. I'm going to go down the line of the HCV's and describe them. 
Never online to support any user 
He actually is one I like, be honest if you put your time and effort into a website that supports an application and it WORKS. Then Kudo's to you Ra.
Seriously, you may be my friend but c'mon. You openly bragged about getting a "free" public space. Which possibly broke NDA. You kissed upto a certain HCS to even get to that position of an HCV.
I don't know what to say...I believe he might have resigned for duties but this user knew Home almost as much as I did even more probably. CB Veteran.
Great PhotoShop Skills but left us? Never have had contact with you 
Attempts to show a hand on both boards and on twitter even. Good
Home Community Volunteers aren't supposed to be jerks, Well ta-da! Here you go you ass hole :)
She has recently returned from personal life, I can say welcome back and hope you at least try to be active on the forums!
Excellent, Standard for some club leaders who lead a massive international group called ViVa La Resistance. (now disbanded)
Personally; I believe should be the standard for an HCV. If you ask me anytime if he is good. I give you my word that he will suit up to your standards and answer every question he can.
Who? oh...Nah don't know him
Needs to take the shirt off in my opinion. You attended an event with it on. I asked you in a message to remove it because 3 people were going to post this on youtube for a Home Talk Show (Don't get me started) and yet you refused and probably deleted my message. Shame.
Good ol' Narde. Nothing bad really from my knowledge.
So thats just ONE problem Home has. Its own "Special" Program needs to be re-drawn. With more users who are "trust-able" and honestly. Just want to support it w/o any special treatmeat.

Issue #2;
Create an ORGANIZED Way of Reporting Bugs, sadly the Support board is overlooked by about every single user. And if I even had access to the support boards only I would love to help users get there experience but sadly Lithium feels I shouldn't. And after this smart ass comment ( ) I hope you seriously just break a mirror. 
               Insulting a person who wants to say goodbye and you say Fuck off? Fine, I see how you guys act and honestly. I hope you get fired and I will file complaints, write letters to your company and show your other runned sites how you choose to ignore users.

So Home-Watch, I hope you guys help inform users the truth about home. That way they don't need to be lied by users Conrad Max and others about Lithium and other problems. Win the fight and hope you guys do something that can save home.


  1. Nice post asoccer with issue number two. I wonder why it is we're supposed to see Home as a community, yet Lithium subverts our attempts to treat it as such. I see Sony and Lithium (who were hired by Sony btw) working at cross purposes regarding Home and wonder if they can get onto the same page. Maybe they need a sit-down and assess their goals and see what they have in common and what they need to improve.

  2. You guys and your blogs.. Making me travel all across the intranets to post. whats wrong with you?
    You only put me as "Good" because you think my avatar is smexy! soccer you sicko!

    You should podcast with us one day..

