Sunday, February 14, 2010

HomePC vs. HomePS3. Which side do you choose?

                 So I have noticed a recent amount of questions about my reasons towards why I so called "Hack" or run home via my PC. Otherwise I would like to call this the debate about HomePC vs. HomePS3. Well there are honestly a variable amount of reasons. And I want this post to make some users  Shut. The. Fuck. Up about "you shouldn't hack home!" Honestly, I'm doing the same thing your App on the PS3 is doing, but better.

Reason number 1: 
Home is SPAMMED with so much advertisement, it murders your PS3.  You can consider this my main reason really. If some of you that don't look at Home's technical side, it is honestly pretty easy to understand. Nothing TOO advanced for the average joe. But honestly, if you saw how many screens you have to CONSTANTLY re-download everytime you log onto home. You'll go Bananas.

Reason number 2: 
So not that long ago, a lot of users experience technical problems that they don't know what in gods name just happened. Have no fear! Running a sniffer on what your PS3 is connecting to online can show you if something is not appearing the way it should be. For instance, a user had asked my why did the Waterfall Terrace Bundle not work at first. Because the devs added the wrong T0XX to the original bundle. Later on it was modified but sadly the old one was left on the content server.
Reason number 3:
Seeing home through XML files can spoil you on some secrets, and relieve your PS3 of some duties of searching online for a re-download of a file. Also I can relieve myself of squinting and actually READING what signs say from my Close PC. :)
So honestly, I run HomePC, infact I know a lot of people on my friends list that go HomePC because there connections aren't stable enough for Purchased Verifying Content screen. So to users like Joanna dark and Conrad Max and every user that is sterotypical of any user that is so called Hacking home. Just can your mouth if you have NO IDEA WHAT WERE DOING. WERE TRYING TO LOG ONTO HOME BUT CONNECTING TAKES FOREVER.
Phew, after that rant. I feel like MAG deserves more attention. And for those who ask what the App does,
    Here is the Xi Alumni Hub for you to download and that is what Home is downloading onto your PS3. So if you ask any user why the go HomePC. It's because the application struggles enough on its own. So I feel I should give my PS3 some help.
Download and Extract. I do not take file requests nor do I give tutorials. All must be learned on your own.

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