Thursday, January 28, 2010

Make Peace- Connected

                      So for those who haven't seen my comment on PSN. It says Make Peace-Connected. The Song Make Peace is a kick back jazz tune that follows a certain Melody you can pick out at certain points. How does this relate to home or to ANYTHING? Our Community was Connected and we surely did have moments where we would hold hands in accomplishment (very rarely...) and times where we wanted to cut each others heads off (pasufarin's reaction to me spamming him while he is trophy whoring.)

    Basically, after the huge downfall home had from hack left and hack right just became insane that we lost the managers trust in communicating. Now I take responsibility for what I did back then and I don't deny that I took part in the events that occurred. But that doesn't mean the community has to fall apart. So what a bug or two is in home. Have you not hit X under "Game" and played games like Need For Speed (newest one) and seen how glitchy that game is? Home isn't a game that is true, but you guys think that since your paying for it, you expect it to be perfect. I'm sad to be the one to tell you this, but nothing is perfect. 

     As for this blog, my advice to all users is keep an open mind and idea, don't be afraid to voice it. But take into consideration of those around you and don't be selfish about it. Personally I hope all users can return to home with at least the motivation to keep it alive for some time.
So really, just make peace with each other and Stay connected as well. Don't be afraid to get to know someone.
And my final comment: To all who complain about there block list being full; You blocking every users you see ONCE and never again. C'mon they made an ignore button for a reason!
If you wish to contact me: feel free to XMB me on asoccer.
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